What’s New At Canal NY

What’s New at Canal NY

We may have been quiet, but not due to a lack of activity! Over the past year, Canal NY has been working hard on the development of the www.discovertheeriecanal.com web site. Built to be the “Tourism Site of The Erie Canal” The site will differ from any other online presence regarding the Erie Canal. This site is built upon the idea that what makes the Erie Canal so great are the more than 200 communities that make up the canal corridor. Each community will have the ability to promote itself within the umbrella of the overall site.

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Seneca Falls Canal Fest 2017

Join us at the 2nd annual Seneca Falls Canal Fest. This year’s event will be held on July 7th, 8th and 9th. at the Canal Harbor in Seneca Falls NY.

Seneca Falls has set out to recreate the events that were first held in the early 1960’s when thousands of visitors and what seemed like 100’s of boats crowded the Canal Harbor.   Last year attracted more than 10,000 visitors who attended the three-day event and this year there are even more events scheduled and more promotion planned to ensure an even larger event.

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Help Promote the Discover The Erie Canal Website!!

Promotion Opportunities for the Discover the Erie web site.

Many of our members have made great contributions towards the creation of the www.discovertheeriecanal.com web site. It is built to provide any member the opportunity to promote their organizations, their communities, promote events and programs that are related to the Erie Canal. We continue to encourage members to provide content and pictures relevant to their organizations and communities we are now looking forward to the next phase of the site and that is promotion.

We have developed a multi-faceted campaign built to incorporate many platforms designed to promote the site.

A number of these items have been listed below.

Any contribution that you as a member commit to the program will be dedicated entirely towards your organization, we will work with you to design a program to promote the content you wish to feature in a manner acceptable to you

We have three levels that we will develop programs for




Below we have outlined a number of different marketing platforms that we are planning in working within.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected]  or call me at 516 313-8777



Reach potential or existing customers with digital targeted advertising. This includes, but is not limited to, the following strategies:


  1. Site Retargeting                     
  2. Search Retargeting
  3. Keyword Targeting
  4. Contextual Targeting
  5. Geo-Fencing



~$10/CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions of Ad)

Minimum of $750 per month = $9000/yr

Recommendation of $1500 to $2000 per month (fluctuate seasonally)





  1. 3 weekly optimized social media posts across chosen Social Media channels
  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  1. Management of comments and replies
  2. Paid Ads boosted across social media
  3. Bi-monthly detailed report of all efforts with recommendations



~$499/month + advertising budget for boosted ads if desired + 15% of ad budget

~$250 Setup Fee per Social Media Channel (for branding consistency)





Encourage tourists to support the Erie Canal and proudly wear items with the DTEC / Canal NY logo, use drinkware, flags, blankets, dog leashes, etc. This also allows you to make money off of the products by marketing them up.



~$15/per Embroidered Shirt

~$12/per Screen Printed T-shirt

~$18/per Embroidered Hat

~$8/per Can Koozie

~Many more items available






Add an online store to your existing website.



~$6000 Online Store Setup






Develop key videos setting people at ease, explaining the process, virtual tour, targeting specific target markets, etc. Utilize these to attract online attention, play off of YouTube.



~$1500/per video (Recommendation to have at least 10)




  • We’ll work with you to set up a MailChimp account for managing your email lists
  • Includes one email template setup and ready for you to use
  • Field added to the website allowing individuals to opt in for your mailing list
  • These individuals will automatically be added to your MailChimp account

Allows for multiple list management



~$750 One Time Setup (does not include list import)

~$50 Per List Import

~$500 Monthly Management of Email Blasts (includes additional designs and graphics)





  • Develop a strategic plan for managing leads gained from tradeshows and other lead sources
  • Develop a strategic plan for staying in front of your existing customer base
  • You’ve worked hard to earn the attention of members and followers, now let’s give them even more reasons to follow you and refer you to others:

o   Send introductions, welcome and thank you cards to members, celebrate birthdays and other events; gifts may be included.



~$395 Setup

~$39/month + postage (cards are physically mailed)




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Create A New Canal NY Website

If you’re looking for a way to provide additional support for Canal NY consider a contribution towards the development of a new Canal NY web site.

The current www.canalny.com web site continues to function but the platform it is based on has become outdated and the ability to post information and update the site continues to grow more difficult.

While a simple web site that would contain all the necessary information about Canal NY, it’s mission, and its membership could be built for as little as $2,000, what Canal NY’s real need is to create a web site that includes a membership management system.

This would give Canal NY the tools necessary to manage & grow its membership. A web site that offers Canal NY the ability to simplify its dues collection, allow for prospective members to register and pay online as well as re-new their membership each year will provide greater opportunities for growth as well as providing increased revenue throughout the year.  The budget to complete the overall project is $7,500.00.

To obtain a detailed proposal on this project please contact Bill Drage @ [email protected] or 607 467-4462


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Speed Limits For Boaters On The Erie Canal

Mariners are advised of the speed limits on the NYS Canal System described at http://www.canals.ny.gov/boating/speedlimits.html and mapped out at http://www.canals.ny.gov/maps/index.html?layer=speedlimits.

There are three speed zones on the canal system:

  • 5 MPH
  • 10 MPH
  • 30 MPH and above

Because vessel configurations vary, the speed thresholds at which different wake characteristics occur vary from vessel to vessel.  The speeds listed are more of a general guidance.  The wake characteristics for each zone must not exceed the following:

  • 5 MPH (red zone) – flat water, not even a ripple trails the vessel.
  • 10 MPH (yellow zone) – ripple, but no wake (a ripple is defined here as a small non-whitecap wave that is not large enough to rock a floating dock – less than about 12” in amplitude).
  • 30 MPH and above (green zone) – for vessels capable of getting up on plane, in riverine and lake sections this is allowed.  Wakes are produced when up on plane, and this is acceptable in New York State if not near a dock or other vessels.

On any New York State waterway when within 100 feet of shore no vessel may exceed 5 MPH.

Waking a floating dock can cause property damage, environmental damage, and personal injury.

NYS Canal Regulations §151.15 establish that the New York State Canal Corporation can fine mariners $100 and refuse lockage and bridge lifts for a period of six (6) hours

Watch this Video to learn more about no wake zones


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New York State Canal Conference


One Water, New York Harbor is the theme for the 2018 New York Canal Societies’ Canal Conference to be held on October 14th. – October 16th. at the Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island NY.
The conference will celebrate the role that New York Harbor has played in the success of the State’s historic inland waterway system. As New York State continues to celebrate the Erie Canal Bicentennial, New York Harbor is the perfect venue to commemorate the Centennial of The Erie Barge Canal.
Attending this conference will provide an incredible look into the value the Erie Canal played in New York Harbors
The Canal Society of New York State was formed in Buffalo in 1956 at the annual meeting of the New York State Historical Association. In that first year, membership was open to anyone interested in the history, folklore, and engineering of former canals and the present condition of the state’s remaining man-made waterways. This is still he primary focus of Canal Society Members today.
More than 50 years later, the Canal Society of New York State has an active membership and still organizes two field trips per year as well as an annual symposium, regular tours of European Canals as well as other smaller events. The Society has compiled a high-quality collection of canal artifacts, artwork, books and papers. You can learn more about the Canal Society of New York State on their website http://www.newyorkcanals.org

10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Boating with the Baymen: Long Island/South Bay Tour
12:00 pm
Registration opens for Community Program only
1:00 pm
Vans depart hotel
2:00 pm
Interactive Staten Island Ferry Cruise to Manhattan (Ferry ride is 1 hour RT)
3:15 pm
Walking Tour of St. George Waterfront/North Shore Promenade with stops and tastings at the Flagship Brewery and Oyster Bar
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Reception at Arts at Urby – will include remarks and exhibits featuring “Heroes of the Harbor”
7:00 pm
Dinner on own (will provide maps and restaurant options within 1 to 2 block away)

6:45 am – 3:00 pm
7:00 am – 8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
8:00 am – 9:40 am
Welcome by Conference Chair, Conference Overview & Sponsor Recognition Welcome by Borough President, North Shore Representative & South Shore Representative
Welcome & Presentation by Host Community (Naomi Sturm & Dan Ward)
Presentation by NYS Canal Corporation & NY Power Authority
Presentation by Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commission
9:45 am – 10:15 am
BREAK and Refreshments in Exhibitor Space
10:15 am – 11 am
Revitalizing Staten Island’s Commercial Waterfront
11:00 am – 11:15 am
11:15 am – 1:00 pm
Luncheon & Program – New York’s Empire State Trail (Andy Beers)
1:15 pm – 5:30 pm
Mobile Workshops
(1.) Staten Island Ferry, Lower Manhattan Walking Tour/Canal Slips and South Street Seaport
(2.) Arthur Kill Boat Graveyard, Conference House & “Graves of Arthur Kill” Film Screening
(3.) Sailor’s Snug Harbor & Noble Maritime Collection
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
6:00 pm– 7:00 pm
Reception with exhibitors (cash bar/light hors d’oeuvres)
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Dinner and Awards Presentations
Special Presentation: Water Way Youth Video
7:30 am – 11:00 am
8:00 am – 9:00 am
Continental breakfast with Exhibitors
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Break-out Sessions 1
(1.) Barge Canal 100th Anniversary
(2.) Billion Oyster Project
(3.) Coastal Storm Risk Management
9:45 am – 10:30 am
Break-out Sessions 2
(1.) Developing the Genesee River Waterfront
(2.) Interpreting Erie Canal History & Heritage
(3.) New York’s Iconic Attractions on the Water
(4.) Reimagine the Canals
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Refreshment break (coffee only)
10:45am – 11:45am
Break-out Sessions 3
(1.) Matton Shipyard: Preservation & Adaptive Reuse Initiative
(2.) One Water/One Brand
(3.) Shape Your Waterfront: How to Promote Access, Resiliency and Ecology at the Water’s Edge
(4.) Waterfront Recreational Opportunities
11:45am – 1:00pm
Boxed Lunch
© 2018 Canal Society of NYS – All Rights Reserved
Canal Society of NYS

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Fake News & The Erie Canal!

Newsday had recently published an article that stated the Erie Canal’s Future uncertain. Fact or fake news?

I am here to tell you the Erie Canal System is alive and well. 2017 starts an 8-year celebration of the bicentennial of the building of the Canal. The Erie Canal was recently placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Governor Cuomo has just placed the NYS Canal Corporation, the state agency responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Canal System under the control of the New York Power Authority. The power authority generates their revenue through electrical power generation and power transmission. There are currently three hydroelectric plants on the Erie with another 27 that could once again begin to contribute electric to the grid. The NYS Canal System uses no tax payer dollars for its operation. That’s correct. The operation of the Erie Canal without doubt the greatest recreational resource in NYS requires no tax payer resources. To further dispel any further rumors, the NYS Canal System is protected under article 15 in the NYS constitution. No one’s filling in the ditch!!

Whether you’re a boater, a biker or a fan of road trips The Erie Canal Corridor has it all. There are 524 miles of navigable water ways. The Canalway trail spans from Buffalo to Albany and is the home of the 8-day bicycle trip across the state that is held each July sponsored by Parks and Trails NY.   Did you know that if you started a boat trip in Waterford, where the Erie meets the Hudson that the first two miles will lift you over 160’. that is the largest rise of any navigable waterway in the world. Did you know that the 55 locks on the current canal system are all using the same technology that they did 100 years ago.

A trip to the NYS Canal system allows for a trip through history from the opening of the original canal back in 1825 to the communities of today

Organizations such as Canal NY, a nonprofit comprised of businesses and community organizations from throughout the canal corridor who are dedicated to the promotion of the Canal. They have just launched a new web site called www.discovertheeriecanal.com   “the tourism site of the Erie Canal” Which will allow for visitors to the canal system to learn about and plan a trip to the region.

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A Drive Through Wayne County NY

A Drive Through Wayne County NY

New York’s Great Lake and Canal Getaway


Day 1 – Palmyra, Macedon

                Visit some of the amazing Palmyra Museum’s

                Alling Coverlet Museum, Largest collection of hand-woven coverlets in America

                Erie Canal Depot, Experience an old passenger and commercial depot

                William Phelps General Store Museum ,A 19th century original general store with original items

                And home.

                Grandin Building. Historic site of publication of Book of Mormon, Restored building includes

                Authentic 1830’s bookstore, bindery and print shop.

                Have lunch at Muddy Waters Cafe at the Palmyra Marina

                Check in to Palmyra Inn, Liberty House Bed & Breakfast or Canal Town Bed & Breakfast.

                Stroll through the Village of Palmyra and visit some of the great antique and specialty shops.

                Try some wine at J D Wine Cellars located in Macedon

                Dinner at Flaherty’s in Macedon which offers first hand Old Irish charm and hospitality

                Return to your overnight accommodations


Day 2 – Palmyra – Newark

                Take a walk on Palmyra Wetland Nature Trail, Located on Maple Avenue, ¼ mile north of the

                “four church” corner in the center of the Village of Palmyra. This one mike hike is rich in both

                Natural and historical interest with easy access to Aqueduct Park, Aldrich Change Bridge and

                Lock 29. Wetlands were formed in the excavations of the original Erie Canal.

                Follow the Erie Canal to Newark

                Take a tour of the Hoffman Clock Museum, which houses the largest collection of New York

                State Clocks in the country.

                Have lunch at the Corner Tavern

                Check into the Vintage Gardens Bed & Breakfast or the Quality Inn located in Newark or the

                Peppermint Cottage Bed & Breakfast in Lyons.

                Follow Mural Mania’s mural trail along the Erie Canal into Lyons

                Don’t miss visiting the Wayne County Old Jail Museum Built in 1856, the former Wayne County

                Jail and Sheriff’s residence was housed here and used until 1961. Tour the 24 cell blocks still

                Attached and learn the stories of the inmates.

                Have dinner in Lyons at Bone Appetit BBQ or Growler’s Pub & Grill.

                Return to your overnight accommodations.


Day 3 – Clyde – Savannah

                Drive east to Clyde and have lunch at The Brick Oven of Clyde

                Follow Route 31 into Savannah

                Visit the Montezuma Audubon Center, located on its 198 acre are five types of habitat, two

                Restored freshwater marshes, two-miles and trails, and an all-access observation platform.


Contact Christine Worth, Director of Tourism. [email protected]   Wayne County Tourism 9 Pearl St. Suite 3 Lyons NY 14489

www.waynecountytourism.com   (800) 527-6510  


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Historic Palmyra’s Pirate Weekend Aug. 11th & 12th!

Historic Palmyra’s Pirate Weekend is all set for Friday & Saturday August 11th & 12th. The Pirates of the Erie Canal invade the Port of Palmyra Marina and other venues throughout the Village of Palmyra, bearing a boatload of fun for all ages. A full weekend of adventure and action is planned including: FREE Movie in the park on Friday night at Dusk. (Princess Bride…new for this year!!!) On Saturday, a Pirate Regatta Bed Race, Pirate & Kazoo Band Parade, Painted windows along Main St., BIG Vehicles to climb, Chicken BBQ, Canal Boat Rides, Dunking booth, Old time photos, (We’ll let you borrow pirate gear if you don’t have any!) Vendors and Artisans. Puppy Parade, Historic Palmyra Museums and Walking tours, pirate tales, live music, food, and artisan vendors, children’s games, Healthy Living Treasure Hunt’ Jolly Roger 5K race (to benefit Pal-Mac Select Choir!) and much more. Dress Like A Pirate and join the parade!! Don’t forget to bring home some swag from the Pirates Bazaar, a sidewalk sales extravaganza from Palmyra’s Main Street merchants. Pre-Built pirate beds available to borrow for the bed-race-teams of 5, age 16 years and older please. Visit www.eriecanalpirates.com for details and complete schedule of call William Unterborn at (585)368-8081

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New Shuttle Service For Cyclists On The Erie Canal

A new shuttle is available for cycle tourists visiting the Erie Canal Corridor. Erie Canal Bike Shuttle is poised to bring more visitors than ever to the wonderful 360 mile Canalway trail and all that it has to offer. With promotions like Bike and Stay packages in addition to daily cyclist shuttle transport, this much-needed service brings cyclists of all abilities to the fun and adventure of the Canal.

“There is something for everyone here, great local flavor, rich history, beautiful scenery and tons of attractions for both kids and adults. I fell in love with the area and quickly realized that cycle touring was one of the best ways to take it all in, however not necessarily the easiest” said Diane Kolifrath, owner of Erie Canal Bike Shuttle. “Our goal is to make it fun and easy for people to plan an exciting multi-day vacation on the Canalway trail. We’ve been designing trips for cyclists of all abilities as well as putting together an incredible pocket guide with detailed maps and merchant listings that connect visitors with accommodations, restaurants, attractions and events.”

With a variety of shuttle options and prices, and tour packages starting at $125, Erie Canal Bike Shuttle is dedicated to making the Erie Canal a vacation destination that everyone can afford. For Shuttle reservations, tour package or other cycling information, visit www.gobikeerie.com.

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