Seneca Falls Canal Fest 2017

Join us at the 2nd annual Seneca Falls Canal Fest. This year’s event will be held on July 7th, 8th and 9th. at the Canal Harbor in Seneca Falls NY.

Seneca Falls has set out to recreate the events that were first held in the early 1960’s when thousands of visitors and what seemed like 100’s of boats crowded the Canal Harbor.   Last year attracted more than 10,000 visitors who attended the three-day event and this year there are even more events scheduled and more promotion planned to ensure an even larger event.

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Palmyra Harbor Host Program



2017 – Season Five


          Despite a shortened season and less than excellent weather, a 14% increase in the boat count, 135 in 2016, 156 this year, was noted. Many of our visitors had docked here before, often several times. The presence of the Lois McClure during its state wide tour and the Sam Patch during Pirates Weekend boosted the season’s people count to 527, a remarkable number.

       Also noted was the use of the marina for fishing, dog walking and simply enjoying the view. It also appears to be a stop for tour busses. Taking into consideration that the marina is open dawn to dusk every day and that Harbor Hosts are there a maximum of 6 hours a day, these are impressive numbers.

There are two crucial components that make this service continue: the support of local merchants and organizations and the Harbor Hosts, who represent Palmyra for our visitors. Participating this season were the following merchants:

  • Akropolis Family Restaurant
  • Brick House Antique Center/ Rug Center
  • Custom 31 Tee Shirts
  • Dog Eared Book
  • Gallery of Styles
  • Happiness Garden Chinese Restaurant
  • Hill Cumorah & Other Historic Sites
  • Lock 29 Grill & Tap Room
  • Mackenzie’s
  • Mark’s Pizzeria
  • Nima’s Italian Restaurant
  • Palmyra Canal Shop
  • Pop’s Hots
  • Towpath Antique Center
  • Village Bookmarket

Support was provided by:

  • Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commission and Foundation
  • Book of Mormon Historic Publication Site
  • Museums of Historic Palmyra
  • New York State Canal Corporation
  • Village of Palmyra
  • Wayne County Office of Tourism

Without the Harbor Hosts themselves there would be no program. They make it happen.

  • Michael Braell Josie Naeye
  • Bob Daly Patti Rising
  • Vicky Daly John Robbins
  • Barbara Furgeson Mary Ann Stager
  • Carole Hack Deb Trombino
  • Sparky Hall        Pat Wilson
  • Marsha Herbst

This year we were pleased to have the assistance of twelve LDS couples who were in Palmyra as volunteers at the Mormon Temple. While in Palmyra they are expected to donate time and energy to local worthwhile efforts. We were pleased to be perceived as such. This season was a learning experience but it went well and their time and enthusiasm were appreciated. They would be welcome again in 2018 as would additional local volunteers.

Thank you, one and all.

We could not do this without you.

HH 2017 report

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What’s New At Canal NY


As the holiday season approaches, Canal NY is busy planning for 2018. Our open meeting held on Oct. 30th in Waterford at the Erie Canalway Heritage Organizations’ visitor center was a great success.  The meeting was well attended and with three employees of the NYS Canal Corp in attendance, it provided the opportunity to ask questions as well as listen to what the Canal Corporation had to say about their first year under control of the New York Power Authority and what we could expect moving forward.  This was a great opportunity for the board to listen to existing membership from that portion of the state as well as having the ability to meet some potential new members who were in attendance.  We will be back in the eastern region again in 2018!

The board held a conference call meeting on Nov. 15th. There was a full agenda for the board to consider during that meeting and first up was elections of officers. Continuing in their current positions were

Chairperson     Bill Drage

Vice Chair         Michelle Vennard

Treasurer           Peter Wiles

Secretary           The position is still open, Mercedes Niess has offered to assist the organization during

                           her off season

Board Members, Vicky Daly and Marie Cramer have been busy updating the organizations by-laws and mission statement.

A new Mission Statement was offered and approved by the board. There are still some ongoing discussions regarding potential changes to the By-Laws .

The board has also agreed to re-create the existing Canal NY web site, this should be completed during the first quarter of 2018

With the hard work of Marketing Committee chairperson Lori Solomon, Canal NY will once again be attending the NY Times Travel show. In addition, the marketing committee has developed a list of marketing programs that members can participate in for 2018. The complete list including levels of participation will be included in your dues notices being mailed out this month.

The programs below are all available for members to participate in

  • New York Times Travel Show 2018
  • Media/Tour Operator Event 2018
  • Media/Tour Operator Fam Tour 
  • JMF Publishing & Discover Upstate NY Co-op opportunity
  • Boat Show, Long Island
  • Discover the Erie Website

Are you considering developing a project to submit to the Reimagine the Canals program? Consider including it with others being submitted by Canal NY.

Update on the project. Directories have been completed for all the major communities along the Canal. We are entering the next phase of the project and that relates to content. Articles are being added to the site relating to both communities as well as activities such as boating the Canal, biking and driving through the Canal Corridor.

We want to promote your organization on the site. We need your help to accomplish this goal, we can publish virtually an unlimited amount of content, pictures, videos and information about events etc.

Help us build our social media reach by liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter. 2018 is going to be a big year for the site as we continue to work to be the number one source for information on the NYS Canal System

Thanks to all of you for your hard work throughout the year and we extend our hope that you all enjoy a healthy and happy holiday season!


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Harborfest Oswego NY

Oswego’s Harborfest is a four-day festival which takes place each year on the last full weekend in July and is typically attended by more than 100,000 visitors.

Since its founding in 1988 Harborfest has brought to its stages more than 600 national, regional and local performing artists. The event is spread over 5 different venues throughout the city with shuttle bus service available throughout the event.

This year Harborfest will include more than 50 musical acts, and this year the Harborfest Midway will be returning and so will the classic carnival favorite, the Ferris wheel. Oswego’s own Ferris Wheel Supper Club has offered to sponsor the popular attraction that is sure to draw crowds all weekend long. Strates Shows, America’s only railroad carnival, travels the United States during a seven-month season, transporting personnel and equipment with 61 rail cars and 34 trucks. Traveling with the show are some 400 employees and families who operate the rides, games and concessions. The show and its legacy have been a fixture of Central NY for over six decades and continues the grand tradition with its third trip to Harborfest.

Again, this year you’ll be able to enjoy a Grucci Fireworks show over the Harbor on Saturday Evening. For more information on Harborfest visit their web site at

The city of Oswego is located on the northern terminus of the Oswego Canal, part of the 524 miles of navigable waterways of NYS’s Erie Canal system. If you’re planning a visit to Oswego check out for more information.

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Speed Limits For Boaters On The Erie Canal

Mariners are advised of the speed limits on the NYS Canal System described at and mapped out at

There are three speed zones on the canal system:

  • 5 MPH
  • 10 MPH
  • 30 MPH and above

Because vessel configurations vary, the speed thresholds at which different wake characteristics occur vary from vessel to vessel.  The speeds listed are more of a general guidance.  The wake characteristics for each zone must not exceed the following:

  • 5 MPH (red zone) – flat water, not even a ripple trails the vessel.
  • 10 MPH (yellow zone) – ripple, but no wake (a ripple is defined here as a small non-whitecap wave that is not large enough to rock a floating dock – less than about 12” in amplitude).
  • 30 MPH and above (green zone) – for vessels capable of getting up on plane, in riverine and lake sections this is allowed.  Wakes are produced when up on plane, and this is acceptable in New York State if not near a dock or other vessels.

On any New York State waterway when within 100 feet of shore no vessel may exceed 5 MPH.

Waking a floating dock can cause property damage, environmental damage, and personal injury.

NYS Canal Regulations §151.15 establish that the New York State Canal Corporation can fine mariners $100 and refuse lockage and bridge lifts for a period of six (6) hours

Watch this Video to learn more about no wake zones


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Champlain Canal Centennial Roundtables

Four roundtables celebrating the Champlain Canal Centennial have been scheduled for May. Each will feature a presentation, an informational sharing session, networking opportunities and a discussion period.

The roundtables are designed to bring together museum professionals, historical societies, archivists, local historians and community members to foster collaboration and to create unique thematic experiences for visitors

May 4th. 2018 from noon to 3pm. at the Waterford Harbor Visitor Center located at 1 Tugboat Alley, Brad Utter will present Community Building: The Growth of Canal Communities. Brad Utter is Senior Historian / Curator for Science and Technological History at the New York State Museum. His research focuses on the New York State Canal System and its impact on the community. He was curator for the exhibit marking the 200th. anniversary of the canal, Enterprising Waters New York’s Erie Canal

May 8th, 2018 from noon to 3pm, at the Silos, Maple Street, Hudson Falls, Jeanne Williams and Kim Harvish will present Immigration, Industrialization, and Innovation. Jeanne Williams is Executive Director of the Feeder Canal Alliance and Kim Harvish is educator at the Chapman Historical Museum. Williams focuses on the past, present, and future of the Feeder Canal that was once the economic engine of the area. Harvish uses the resources of the Chapman Historical Museum to integrate local history into programs that incorporate visual literacy components and primary documents

May 17th. 2018 from noon to 3pm. at the Schuyler Room of the Saratoga Town Hall 12 Spring Street Schuylerville. Craig Williams will present Building the Champlain Barge Canal: Treasurers in the NYS Archives. Craig Williams is a retired senior historian at the New York State Museum and a trustee of the Canal Society of New York State. He has spent over 50 years researching and documenting New York’s canal heritage. Using the unique resources of the New York State Archives along with oral histories. Williams will present stories about the engineering achievements and the people involved in the construction of the Champlain Canal.

May 19th. 2018 from 1pm. to 4pm. at the Crandall Public Library, 251 Glen St. Glens Falls. Erica Wolfe Burke will present Researching the People of the Feeder Canal. Erica Wolfe Burke is an archivist and special collections librarian at the Folklife Center at the Crandall Public Library. She assists families and genealogists researching upstate New York ancestry and has offered a series of family history workshops. Her presentation will culminate in a community archiving event with the Folklife Center as the repository for the images shared.

Preregistration is required for all events. $15 includes material and lunch. “Researching the People of the Feeder Canal” is free and does not include lunch.

Preregister by emailing [email protected]. For questions call (518) 597-9660

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Enterprising Waters

The New York State Museum will open the second and final phase of its exhibition Enterprising Waters: New York’s Erie Canal on Saturday, September 22.
The first phase of the exhibition opened in September 2017 and focused on the circumstances leading up to building the canal and the canal’s construction. The second phase of the exhibition focuses on the Erie Canal’s growth, politics, industries and legacy.
On display through October 20, 2019, the exhibition honors the bicentennial anniversary of the Erie Canal’s construction and features artifacts, images, posters and documents from the collections of the State Museum, State Archives, State Library and cultural institutions from across the state.
The second phase of the exhibition explores life on the canal, the growth and legacy of the canal, and the barge canal still in use today. A key artifact on view through November 2018 is the original “Wedding of the Waters” keg, on loan from the New-York Historical Society. The keg was used by Governor DeWitt Clinton to pour the water of Lake Erie into the Atlantic Ocean on November 4, 1825 as part of the celebratory ceremonies marking the completion of the Erie Canal and commemorating the canal’s connection of New York’s inland waterways to the ports of New York City.
When the canal opened in 1825, it unlocked the Western interior for trade and settlement, and made New York City the nation’s most powerful commercial center. As one of the largest public works projects in American history, the Erie Canal also inspired a nationwide transportation revolution. Thousands of people poured into New York to work on or along the canal, or just to pass through. Though the canal would eventually be superseded by the railroad, a heady mixture of innovation and determination, and the industrious seeking and creation of wealth, was cemented in the American character.
The purpose of the Erie Canal was always commercial, but since the 1980s New York State has focused on the quality of life for canal communities and promoting heritage tourism. Today, recreational boaters from around the world use the New York State Canal System. New visitor centers and bike paths line the canals and invite tourists to learn about the past.
The State Museum is a program of the New York State Education Department’s Office of Cultural Education. Located at 222 Madison Avenue in Albany, the Museum is open Tuesday through Sunday from 9:30 am to 5 pm. It is closed on the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Admission is free. Further information about programs and events can be obtained by calling (518) 474-5877 or visiting the Museum website.

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Cruising The Erie Canal From Lyons

Cruising the Erie Canal from Lyons

On Saturday August 26 and Sunday, August 27, The Lyons Rotary and the Lyons Erie Canalway Greeters are sponsoring 3 Erie Canal Cruises. Passengers will travel aboard the 48 passenger Seneca Lake Reel Tours tour boat and will depart from the Lyons dock behind the fire Department Building.

On Saturday, narrated tours of 1 ½ hours will leave the dock at 4 and 7 PM. Heading west, passengers will experience 2 locks and have a “from the water view” of the location of the former NYS Canal Corp Port, the original Clinton’s Ditch, the Hotchkiss Essential Oil Peppermint Museum, Dobbin’s Park and the first Mural Mania, the Enlarged Erie aqueduct remains, the NYS Canal Corp Drydock, and the location of the double chambered Lock E 56 and canal store. Passengers will also receive a short instruction on the operation of Locks!

Heading east, passengers will then view the former Chevron Asphalt Barge landing, last used in 1990, view the location of a recently sunken sailboat, and see Creagers’s Bridge from the water. A cash bar, beverages, and munchies will be available. Ticket prices are $20.00 adult and $15.00 child for the 4 PM cruise, and $25.00 per person for the adult 7 PM cruise.

On Sunday, the narrated cruise will leave the dock at 10:00 AM and cruise to Stiver’s Seneca Marine, adjacent to the Crow’s Nest. Passengers will experience 3 canals- the Erie Barge, The Seneca, and the Cayuga- Seneca. They will “lock through” 6 locks, including the double lock in Seneca Falls.

On Sunday, passengers will travel west from Lyons, cruise under Creager’s Bridge, cruise under the lowest bridge on the Western Erie Canal just east of Clyde, cruise through the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, witness Bald Eagle nests, see the world famous Richmond/ Montezuma Aqueduct remains, glide across Van Cleef Lake, view the world famous Trinity Church, and pass under Bailey’s Bridge, featured in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

A cash bar, beverages, and munchies will be available. Cruise will last approximately 4 ½ hours. A continental breakfast and return transportation to Lyons are included in the ticket price of $65.00 per person…. For tickets or information, please contact Rotarian Keith Bridger (315-945-316) or Canalway Greeter Bob Stopper (315-573-1068). Tickets are also available at Dobbins Drug Store and Lyons National Bank in Lyons.


Thank You: Robert Stopper  [email protected]       H: 315-946-6224       C: 315-573-1068

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Christmas At Sea Open House & Model Train Village


The H Lee White Maritime Museum at Oswego is pleased to host our annual Christmas at Sea Open House on Sunday, December 10th from 1-4:30 pm.  Come and celebrate the holiday season in Oswego’s Historic Maritime District, located on the West First Street Pier. 


In addition to enjoying homemade cookies and punch, visitors are encouraged to enjoy new Museum exhibits, view maritime themed holiday trees and see the model train village exhibition courtesy of the Oswego Valley Railroad Association and Museum.  Santa Claus will arrive at 2:00 pm via US Coast Guard boat but there is no need to have your child wait in a long line to see him, as there will be crafts, festive stories and music to enjoy while you wait! 


This event is free and open to the public. The Museum and Treasure Chest Gift Shop are open daily, 1-5:00 pm for your holiday shopping convenience.  For more information call (315) 342-0480, visit or 

Pictured is a USCG vessel from the USCG Station Oswego delivering Santa to the West Pier at last year’s event.

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What’s New At Canal NY

On Sept. 27th Canal NY held a media luncheon. This year’s event was held at Pier A, an historic restaurant located in Battery Park City, overlooking NY Harbor. The event was attended by over 30 travel writers and journalists who enjoyed a great meal and presentations by or member sponsors. One of the first known benefits from the event was a live radio interview that I could participate in with Dan Schlosberg the host of Travel Itch radio. Here is the link to hear the show. The marketing committee will be following up with each of the travel writers who attended the event over the next month to coordinate future projects.

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