Women’s Rights National Historical Park

Women’s Rights National Historical Park

Located at 136 Fall St. Seneca Falls the Women’s Rights National Historical Park consists of four major historical properties including the Wesleyan Methodist Church which was the site of the Seneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention. The Elizabeth Cady Stanton House, the M’Clintonk House and the Richard Hunt House are also on display. The park includes a visitor center and an education and cultural center housing the Suffrage Press Print shop.

The Women’s Rights National Historical Park was created by Congress in 1980 to preserve and interpret the nationally significant historical and cultural sites and structures associated with the struggle for equal rights for women.

The first Women’s Rights Convention was held over two days in July 1848. More than 300 women and men attended the convention which marked the beginning of the organized women’s rights movement. The Declaration of Sentiments adopted during the convention and signed by 100 attendees provide the agenda for subsequent women’s rights activities. It begins with

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature and of nature’s god entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course.  Read More


Wineries Accessible By Water on the Erie Canal

Erie Canal Wineries Accessible By Water


The Erie Canal system isn’t just a narrow winding waterway that connects Albany to Buffalo. It also connects several finger-lakes to the world as well. The Finger Lakes region is home to some of the world’s best wine and a number of those wineries are accessible by water.   The map below shows those venues that you can boat to.wineries

These wineries are accessible by water on the Cayuga / Seneca Canal

Lake St. Station                                                                        Bellhurst Castle

41 Lake St. Geneva NY                                                            4069 West Lake Rd. Geneva NY

(315) 325-4089                                                                         (315) 781-0201


Miles Wine Cellars                                                                  Seneca Harbor Wine Center

168 Randall Crossing Rd. Himrod NY                                2 N. Franklin St. Watkins Glen NY

(315) 243-7742                                                                         (607) 535-4867


Varick Winery                                                                          Lake Shore Winery

5102 State Route 89 Romulus NY                                       5132 State Route 89 Romulus NY

(315) 549-8797                                                                        (315) 549-7095


Knapp Winery                                                                         Goose Watch

2770 County Rd. 128 Romulus NY                                     5480 State Route 89 Romulus NY

(800) 869-9271                                                                      (315) 549-2599


Buttonwood Grove Winery                                                 Cayuga Ridge Winery

5986 State Route 89 Romulus                                           6800 State Route 89 Ovid NY

(607) 869-9760                                                                     (800) 598-wine


Thirsty Owl                                                                            Sheldrake Point

6861 State Route 89 Ovid NY                                            7448 County Road 153 Ovid NY

(866) 869-5805                                                                    (607) 532-9401


Bet The Farm Winery & Market                                         Long Point Winery

381 Main St. Aurora NY                                                       1485 Lake Rd. Aurora

(315) 294-5643                                                                       (315) 364-6990




Don’t own a boat? Not a problem hire Water To Wine Tours, operating on Cayuga Lake they offer a number of opportunities to get out on the water and be able to visit wineries located on the shores of Cayuga Lake.

Fake News & The Erie Canal!

Newsday had recently published an article that stated the Erie Canal’s Future uncertain. Fact or fake news?

I am here to tell you the Erie Canal System is alive and well. 2017 starts an 8-year celebration of the bicentennial of the building of the Canal. The Erie Canal was recently placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Governor Cuomo has just placed the NYS Canal Corporation, the state agency responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Canal System under the control of the New York Power Authority. The power authority generates their revenue through electrical power generation and power transmission. There are currently three hydroelectric plants on the Erie with another 27 that could once again begin to contribute electric to the grid. The NYS Canal System uses no tax payer dollars for its operation. That’s correct. The operation of the Erie Canal without doubt the greatest recreational resource in NYS requires no tax payer resources. To further dispel any further rumors, the NYS Canal System is protected under article 15 in the NYS constitution. No one’s filling in the ditch!!

Whether you’re a boater, a biker or a fan of road trips The Erie Canal Corridor has it all. There are 524 miles of navigable water ways. The Canalway trail spans from Buffalo to Albany and is the home of the 8-day bicycle trip across the state that is held each July sponsored by Parks and Trails NY.   Did you know that if you started a boat trip in Waterford, where the Erie meets the Hudson that the first two miles will lift you over 160’. that is the largest rise of any navigable waterway in the world. Did you know that the 55 locks on the current canal system are all using the same technology that they did 100 years ago.

A trip to the NYS Canal system allows for a trip through history from the opening of the original canal back in 1825 to the communities of today

Organizations such as Canal NY, a nonprofit comprised of businesses and community organizations from throughout the canal corridor who are dedicated to the promotion of the Canal. They have just launched a new web site called www.discovertheeriecanal.com   “the tourism site of the Erie Canal” Which will allow for visitors to the canal system to learn about and plan a trip to the region.

What’s New At Canal NY

On Sept. 27th Canal NY held a media luncheon. This year’s event was held at Pier A, an historic restaurant located in Battery Park City, overlooking NY Harbor. The event was attended by over 30 travel writers and journalists who enjoyed a great meal and presentations by or member sponsors. One of the first known benefits from the event was a live radio interview that I could participate in with Dan Schlosberg the host of Travel Itch radio. Here is the link http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ndbmedia/2016/10/14/travel-itch-radio to hear the show. The marketing committee will be following up with each of the travel writers who attended the event over the next month to coordinate future projects.

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