Lyons NY Celebrates Bicentennial Of Erie Canal With Season Long List Of Events

Lyon’s is once again at the top of the list when it comes to Erie Canal Communities. As the bi-centennial of the construction of the Erie Canal begins in 2017, Lyons has become the first community to develop an overall schedule of events for the coming season.

Beginning in April, Lyons has brought together both governmental and community organizations to stage events in conjunction with the community’s connection to the Erie Canal  

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Women’s Rights National Historical Park

Women’s Rights National Historical Park

Located at 136 Fall St. Seneca Falls the Women’s Rights National Historical Park consists of four major historical properties including the Wesleyan Methodist Church which was the site of the Seneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention. The Elizabeth Cady Stanton House, the M’Clintonk House and the Richard Hunt House are also on display. The park includes a visitor center and an education and cultural center housing the Suffrage Press Print shop.

The Women’s Rights National Historical Park was created by Congress in 1980 to preserve and interpret the nationally significant historical and cultural sites and structures associated with the struggle for equal rights for women.

The first Women’s Rights Convention was held over two days in July 1848. More than 300 women and men attended the convention which marked the beginning of the organized women’s rights movement. The Declaration of Sentiments adopted during the convention and signed by 100 attendees provide the agenda for subsequent women’s rights activities. It begins with

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature and of nature’s god entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course.  Read More


The Erie Canal Museum

As we begin on our path through the bi-centennial celebration you don’t want to miss out on a visit to the Erie Canal Museum. The museum is located at 318 Erie Blvd. East in Syracuse, collects and preserves Canal material, and provides engaging educational experiences that champion an appreciation and understanding of the Erie Canal’s transforming effects on the past, present and future.

The museum sits within the only remaining weigh lock building in the United States. When the Erie Canal Museum opened its doors on October 25th, 1962 it celebrated and preserved the life of this building

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Bicentennial Events Along The Erie Canal 2017

Celebrations Statewide Marking the 200th. Anniversary of the Start of the Construction of The Erie Canal

                                                                   May 19.             Kick Off for Erie Canal Bicentennial & Ceremonial Opening for

                                                                                                 Seasonal Navigation Waterford

                                                                  June 9-10.        Celebrations at Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook Bridge

                                                                                                 Amsterdam & Schoharie Crossing Historic Site. Fort Hunter

                                                                  July 8                 Flight of Five – Canal Bicentennial Celebration Lockport

                                                                  July 10-22        VoteTilla, Navigation Celebration on the Erie Canal Honoring

                                                                                                 Women’s Suffrage Centennial

                                                                  July 14-15          Erie Canal Bicentennial Forum & Family Day Rochester

                                                                  July 22               Ceremonial Erie Canal Groundbreaking & Celebration Rome

                                                                  Sept. 16              Canal Exhibit Opening, New York State Museum Albany

                                                                  Sept. 24-28       2017 World Canals Conference, Syracuse

                                                                  Sept.                    National TV Debut of WCNY Public Media’s Erie Canal


In addition there will be Special Events throughout the system.  Watch for Updates  including

         Performances by the Albany Symphony Orchestra & Syracuse Symphonic

         Tours by the Replica Canal Schooner Lois McClure

         Glass Blowing Demos on Corning Museum’s Glass Barge



The Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum

The Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum

Listed on the NYS and National Register of Historic Places, the Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum is an important part of the history of the Erie Canal. The site sits at the intersection of the historic enlarged Erie Canal and the remnants of the circa 1822 Chittenango Canal.

Originally constructed in 1855, the interpreted site preserved and rebuilt a 3-bay dry dock. Craftsman used the site’s three large, independently functioning bays to build and repair canal boats, maintaining and expanding this vital economic artery until the opening of the Barge Canal in 1918. The site includes the original drydocks and sluiceway, a canal side store, a sawmill, boat shop, blacksmith shop, mule stable, a walk on canal boat exhibit, sunken canal boat remains, a nature trail to a full width aqueduct, picnic areas, access to the Erie Canalway trail and a modern visitor center.

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